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Restaurant Settings

POS Options

Kitchen Printers

Go to Setup > POS Terminals > Kitchen Printers > Modify each terminal.


There are eight different combinations that can be used when printing to the kitchen.

In total there can be six printers configured for kitchen printing for each terminal.

A printer can effectively be set as 2 or 3 different printers to be used as a separate docket in different areas of the kitchen.


No Options Ticked


Print Double Width


Print Double Height


Print Bold


Print Double Width & Double Height


Print Double Width & Bold


Print Double Height & Bold


Print Double Width, Double Height & Bold


There are some other options available to be set on each printer for each terminal.

Expanded Printing - Will show minimal extra details of Customers.

Print Extra Copy - Will print a second docket of any print jobs sent to this printer.

Activate Beeper- On compatible printers will beep when a print job is sent to the printer.



Empty Lines- This will set how many lines print once the print job has finished ensuring the jobs are printed completely.



Miscellaneous Tab > General


Default Table MapSet this to the Table Map Number that you want this POS Terminal to use as default.



Global Options

Restaurant Tab

Setup Print Beverages immediately

Printing Tab

Yes/No Options

Print Groups

Clerk & User Permissions

POS Screen Buttons